Wednesday, May 9, 2012

SAP R/3 User, Data, and Server Administration

Here are concise yet in-depth tips and explanations about administering (starting, stopping, updating, etc.) SAP Servers quickly and reliably.


    1. SAP Web AS Fundamentals (++)
      1. SAP Solution Offering
      2. Navigation
      3. SAP System Architecture
      4. Enterprise Services Architecture
      5. SAP NetWeaver, Overview
    2. SAP Web AS Administration I (+++)
      1. Starting and Stopping SAP systems
      2. Configuring SAP Web AS ABAP
      3. Configuring SAP Help (Documentation)
      4. Archiving SAP Data
      5. User Management in SAP Web AS ABAP
      6. Configuring Remote Connections
      7. Patching SAP Web AS ABAP
      8. Scheduling Background Jobs
      9. Setting up Printers of types C, L, S, U and F, planning a spool environment
      10. Monitoring SAP Systems
      11. Introduction to Structured Error Analysis
      12. Introduction to System Security
    3. SAP Web AS Administration II (++)
      1. Technology Components for Browser-based User Interfaces
      2. Configuring Central User Administration
      3. Using LDAP to integrate Directory Servers with SAP Systems
    4. SAP Web AS Java Administration (+++)
      1. Java Basics (non-programming topics)
      2. Starting and Stopping SAP Web AS Java
      3. Configuring SAP Web AS Java
      4. User Management in SAP Web AS Java
      5. Patching SAP Web AS Java
      6. Software Logistics for SAP Web AS Java
      7. Monitoring SAP Web AS Java
    5. SAP System Installation (+)
      1. Installation Planning
      2. Installation Preparation
      3. Installing SAP GUI
      4. Installation Process
      5. Post-Installation Activities
      6. Patching the Kernel
      7. Unicode Conversion
      8. Troubleshooting Installation Problems
    6. Software Logistics (++)
      1. SAP System Architecture from a Software Logistics point of view
      2. TMS and Extended Transport Control
      3. Customizing and Development in ABAP
      4. Transporting changes in ABAP
      5. Client Tools
      6. Note Assistant
      7. Introduction to Upgrade Technology
    7. Workload Analysis (++)
      1. Components of a Dialog Step
      2. Workload Analysis Monitors
      3. SAP Memory Management
      4. Verifying the Hardware Capacity (Sizing)
      5. Analysing Expensive SQL Statements
      6. SAP Table Buffering
      7. RFC Monitoring

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Set screen Starting and Stopping Servers

    The SAP kernel's executable files are in directories �/sapmnt/SID/exe� and �/usr/sap/_/SYS/exe/run�.


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Set screen Listing, Adding, Deleting Users

    To list users last login, invoke report RSUSR006.
    To check passwords of users SAP* and DDIC in all clients, invoke RSUSR003


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Set screen Listing, Adding, Deleting Users

    To list users last login, invoke report RSUSR006.
    To check passwords of users SAP* and DDIC in all clients, invoke RSUSR003


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Set screen SAP Transaction Codes

    One of the unique features of the SAP GUI is that (like IBM IMF applications which SAP's founders worked on), rather than click through menus, end users have the option of directly invoking specific processing by entering transaction codes (Tcodes) in the command field.
    Entering "/n" before a transaction code exits the current R/3 screen and displays the initial screen of the Transaction specified.
    Entering "/o" before a transaction code sends the current user session to the background and creates a new user session to display the initial screen of the Transaction specified
    Within batch input sessions:
    /nSkip to the next record if you are processing one batch input session
    /oGenerate a session list
    /bendCancel a batch input foreground process
    /nendClose all R/3 sessions and logoff
    /nxxxxCall transaction xxxx in the same session
    /oxxxxCall transaction xxxx in an additional session
    /iDelete the current session
    /hTurn debug mode on
    /$tabReset all buffers (by System Administrators only)
    /$syn cSynchronize instance buffers (by System Administrators only)

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Set screen SAP Data Transactions

    ObjectTSTCMenu PathItems
    ABAP DictionarySEU-R/3 Repository Browser
    SE12-Display ABAP Dictionary
    SE11-Maintain ABAP Dictionary
    SE14-Utilities for ABAP Dictionary tables
    SE15-ABAP Repository information system
    Profiles & ParametersSTMS-Transport Management System
    TU02-Parameter changes�display active parameters and a history of changes
    RZ10-Maintain profile parameters (by profile)
    RZ11System > Utilities > Runtime analysis > ExecuteMaintain profile parameters (by parameter). R/3 needs the R/3 profile parameters abap/atrapath andabap/atrasizequota activated when the R/3 System is installed.
    SM63-Display or maintain operating modes
    SNRO-Maintain number range objects.
    SM56-Reset or check the number range buffer
    JobsDB13-DBA Planning Calendar
    RZ01-Job Scheduling Monitor
    SM37-Background Job Overview
    SM39-Job Analysis
    SM65-Execute tests to analyze background processing
    UsersSM51-List defined SAP Users
    SM04-user overview
    AL08-Global user overview - Number of users logged onto SAP.
    SMLG-Maintain logon groups
    DirectoriesAL11-Display SAP directories
    AL18-Local filesystem monitor (equivalent to Unix df -k|more)
    DocumentsST14-Application analysis�statistics relating to business document volume
    -BALE-ALE administration and monitoring
    AlertsRZ08-SAP Alert Monitor

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Set screen Performance-Related Transactions by System Layer

    SAP�s EarlyWatch� online diagnosis and analysis service provides a performance report based on over 100 screens available from SAPGUI and other utilities (SAPDBA utility no longer available on SAP 6.40).
    This table repeats what is shown by specifying a SAP Transaction code or a one of these menu paths:
    • Tools > Administration > Monitor > Performance (abbreviated as "TAMP >")
    • Tools > CCMS > Control/Monitoring > Performance menu
    LayerTSTCMenu PathItems
    NetworkST08-Network Monitor
    ST09-Network Alert Monitor
    SM58-Asynchronous RFC error log
    RequestsSM13-Display update requests and resolve errors
    SM59-Display or maintain RFC destinations
    InstancesRZ02-Network graphics for R/3 instances
    RZ04-Maintain R/3 instances
    ServersSM51-List of servers
    RZ03-Control Panel for operation modes and server status
    OSSM02-Display SAP System Messages
    SM21-System Log
    SM69-Maintain external operating-system commands
    SM49-Execute external operating-system commands.
    ST06TAMP > Operating System > LocalOperating System Monitor reports load on the CPU and the physical main memory. (such as what is reported by Unix command lsattr -E1 sys0).
    ST07TAMP > Operating System > RemoteApplication Monitor reports load on the CPU and the physical main memory by application.
    App ServerST02TAMP > Setups/BuffersR/3 Memory Configuration Monitor (also known as the function Setups & Tune Buffers). Its Tune Summary reports load on R/3 buffers and other memory areas. Buffer hit ratio = Buffer object reads / logical requests.poor Buffer Quality = saved database calls / (database calls + saved database calls)
    STAT-Single statistics records on the application server.
    Work ProcessesSM66CCMS > Control/monitoring > Work process overview or
    TAMP > Exceptions/Users > Active users > All processes.
    Systemwide Work Process Overview
    SM50TAMP > System monitoring > Services > Process OverviewLocal work process load (CPU utilization).
    Shows the currently executing WPs on a dialog instance.
    ST03Workload distribution MonitorA technical analysis uses this monitor to identify and analyze problems in the database, R/3 memory management, or R/3 buffers.
    An application analysis uses this monitor to identify and analyze transactions, programs, and users that place a heavy load on the system.
    DBAL02-Oracle Database Monitor
    ST04CCMS screen that displays Oracle database activity.Database Performance Monitor displays load on the database buffers, database locks, wait situations, read and write access to hard disks, and SQL statements.
    DB02CCMS > Control/Monitoring > Performance Menu > Database > Tables/Indexes > Database Allocation > Detail Analysis (consistency check)Analyze tables and indexes (missing database objects and space requirements). Database Performance:Database Allocation monitor, Check Table Within SQL Server, the DBCC CHECKDB command locks user tables, indexes and system tables when running. It is very I/O intensive and should therefore not be run during normal operation, but at times when the system load is low. For more information, see SAP Note 142731 DBCC Checks of SQL Server.
    DB12CCMS > DB Administration > Backup logs > CCMS Monitoring Tool > Backup history > Logs Backup.Overview of backup logs (DBA protocols). In Backup Restore Information list, find the largest transaction log backup. Select a row and then History info to find the number of pages backed-up. Calculate how much free space is left on the transaction log disk by subtracting the amount of space used in the transaction log is the number of dumped pages, multiplied by 8 KB. The SAP log file is initially created with a default size of 1 GB, with the smallest disk normally 9 GB.
    DB TablesAL12-Display table buffer (buffer synchronization)
    DB05-Table analysis
    DB20-Generate tables statistics
    ST10TAMP > Setup/Buffers > CallsTable Access Statistics
    SE16-Data Browser for displaying table contents.
    SM31-SAP Table Maintenance
    SE13STUN > Setup/Buffers > Buffers > Goto > Current local data > Table buffers > Single recordTo specify whether or not a table should be buffered.
    DB SQLST05System > Utilities > SQL TraceStart, stop, or view SQL Traceanother page on this site enqueue trace, or RFC trace within ABAP programs for detailed analysis.
    ST11-Display developer traces.
    SE30-ABAP Traceanother page on this site
    ST22-ABAP runtime error analysis and dump listings
    ST01-R/3 System trace
    Locks & EnqueuesSM01-Lock Transactions
    SM12-Display and delete R/3 enqueues

    SMLG provides average response times of the overall system.
    ST03N provides response times.
     The preferred method of navigation for the experienced SAPGUI user is to retrieve screens by name (TSTC code) rather than through the series of pull-down windows because the screen names do not change between releases of SAP, but the structure of the pull-down menu path changes frequently as SAP is upgraded.

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Set screen Utilities

     dpmon pf=instance profile
    displays parts of the system without login.

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Set screen System Maintenance Jobs

    RSBTCDELClean the old background job records
    RSDBCREOClean batch input session log
    RSPO0041Removing old spooling objects
    RSSNAPDLClean the old ABAP error dumps

    In the future, I hope to provide timings of these jobs.

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Set screen Manage Patches

    Patches and transports are managed using transaction SM31 to modify table PAT03.
    Under user adm, run the command "r3trans.exe -u".
    Return CodeExplanation
    4Warnings occurred
    8Errors occurred
    12Fatal errors occurred
    16Internal errors occurred

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Set screen Table Maintenance

    To copy tables across clients, invoke RSCLTCOP
    To make table adjustments across clients, RSAVGL00
    To invoke the Substitution/Validation utility, invoke RGUGBR00
    To transport SAPscript files across systems, RSTXSCRP
    To release batch-input sessions automaticlly. RSBDCSUB
    In the future, I hope to provide timings of these jobs.

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